at STEM®️ (*by Geneus) we create #novel #SynBio products - using TISSUE ENGINEERING, SPECIAL CHEMISTRY, INSILICO COMPUTING and #analytical applications for #Earth #and beyond, we design and develop IP to manufacture and offer (#contract manufacturingfor #turn key, innovative large scale #bioprocesses for the industrial conversion of biomass into #materiaks #flavours and novel fragrances, with unmatched taste, security and functionalities based on insilco computing, machine learning, tissue engineering, enzymatic #engineering utilising microbial fermentation, spherification and hybridisation techniques. We employ methods from #insilico (chemistry, biology, engineering) ML , #SYNBIODNA storage and other techniques, to secure the feasibility of our biosynthetic processes accurately. We build hardware for a comprehensive mass and energy balanced #engineered #nanoroaster device named HARVYST®️ to precisely match roast profiles of cell cultured food particles.  We  use #Crispr engineering -#In Stealth "for what will be, unburdened by what has been"... Our Culture is Cellular.

#our process

#STEM® is a cellular agriculture solution to produce novel beverages. We begin the journey with undifferentiated coffee cell materials from selected varieties, propagate them in a liquid suspension using a plant growth media before proceeding to upscale the culture in a bioreactor through a fermentation process. To bring added complexity to the cup, STEM®has perfected natural flavour engineering techniques sourced exclusively from coffee by-products. As such, we can enhance the sensory experience through extracting various precursors from different parts of the coffee cherry and spent grounds. The result? A green coffee powder which, just like beans, is then dried and roasted. 


#our #HARVYST®️ [food] #nanoparticle #roaster

Beyond being 100% coffee at a flavour level, it must taste and evoke the same emotion as any coffee lover feels when they enjoy a good cup. To achieve this, STEM® has perfected natural flavour engineering techniques using 100% coffee by-products (used grounds, coffee cherry pulp...) under a harmonious upcycling loop. STEM® will be available across a range of sustainable consumption methods as we perfect our unique hardware nanoparticle roaster named HARVYST®️ to deliver coffee lovers ultimate freshness at home and in Cafes.  (Watch this space).


#HARVYST®️ roasted #cell cultured coffee 

At STEM® we believe it is our duty to provide the world with an alternative means of coffee production which will result in sustainable and future-proof coffee for centuries to come. Science has untapped potential to fundamentally shift how we farm and produce coffee for an ever-growing consumer base with finite resources. Through harnessing cellular agriculture (CellAg), STEM® will serve as a partner to producers, farming their genetic material via sophisticated methods perfecting flavour profiles via proprietary flavour engineering techniques, derived purely from coffee by-products. The positive impact of this new approach is vast.


#HARVYST®️ roasted #cell cultured coffee

By providing a CellAg solution, we will have the liberty of growing coffee where it makes sense and according to practices that benefit their local ecosystems. An alternate and efficient means of production will remove the need to optimize traditional production volumes, typically obtained through monoculture, intensive farming practices and unfair distribution practices.


#APFELBAUM™️ HARDWARE chemistry ML multiple tier agent- #off-grid,  with #pre-installed weights and autonomous inference system - order in SEPTEMPER 2024


We've co-developed #ApfelBaum™️- a novel autonomous #MLbased #inference system on a PHYSICAL # intra net workstation (hardware computer including API's) for chemists, biologists, and engineers based on Apple Silicon, running open-source AI/ML models WITH preinstalled weights,  and #proprietary AI operating system, off-grid—no cloud, no data loss or plagiarism. Developed for insilico bio & insilco chemistry, pharma, biomedical, biomaterials and flavour engineering (and more) . Proprietary  #ApfelBaum™️ integration with novel algorithms updates especially for secure and impenetrable LAN. #ProjectApfelbaum by Tree SAS, Paris—the first AI/ML/ desktop system, no cloud fees. Our first use case: flavor engineering of #BEAN FREE COFFEE using coffee side products. #AI #Insilico #Chemistry #MachineLearning #AppleSilicon #ParisTech“.#watchthisspace as this will be our first#spinoff - a foundational analytics model ideated and financed by STEM®️ can be found here!


#STEM®️ coffee #flavour engineering with coffee by-products as CDMO Services


Here an example of our flavour-enigeering applications using coffee by-products:  Ground Green coffee was supplemented with spent coffee ground (SCG), cascara (Cas) and their oil extracts, then roasted. 5 significant flavour compounds were quantified using stable-isotope dilution analysis (SIDA) in SPME-HS-GC/MS and the remaining volatile compounds were semi-quantified by normalysing the peak areas against deuterated 2,5-dimethyl-3-ethylpyrazine. Significant increase in the concentration of 3-methylbutanal (fruity, nutty) was observed with the addition of SCG, Cas and their oil extracts, whereas the concentarion of 2,5-dimethyl-3-ethylpyrazine (nutty, cocoa) remained the same or slightly decreased. Some interesting trends were observed in PCA biplots with the addition of coffee by-products:  The concentration of most of volatile compounds decreased with the addition of extracts. The concentration of phenol-derivatives (phenol, 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol, 4-ethyl-2-methoxy-phenol, etc. ) increased with the addition of SCG extracts, particularly with SCG cold water extract. The concentration of 3-methylbutanal, acetaldehyde, 2-methylpropanal, methyl formate and butyl acetate, which can add fruity note, increased with the addition of Cas extracts, particularly with Cas oil extract.


If you want more information about our technology, contact us. Geneus Biotech sas aux capital de € 50.000, 75007 Paris, France